The Art of 飞蝇钓

welcome新2登录 | 飞蝇钓
Session I: June 30 - July 5, 2024
SESSION II: JULY 14 - 19, 2024


Welcome to an introduction into the art of fly-fishing. Our guides begin instructions in learning about fish and fish habitat, 阅读水, identifying insects, 选择飞, and familiarization with fly fishing gear. The course will flow into dry-land casting without hooks at targets. Once the group is comfortable with the basics and understands some river safety tips, we will slip on the waders and head to the river in 搜索 of the big bite! We will make learning to fly fish easy and enjoyable in one of the scenic areas of the southern Berkshires in the Northwest Corner of Connecticut. There are many people, who despite being inspired to give it a try, are intimidated and don’t know where to start. Even if you're a beginner, taking a lesson can help refresh and hone your skills and make your fishing trip all the more satisfying. Our guides are friendly, patient, and very skilled in teaching the art of fly-fishing. This environment is the perfect place to learn fly fishing techniques and principles that will give you the confidence to enjoy your next trip on the water.

学生 will need to bring their own waders and fly rod (they will receive detailed advice on supplies after registering).
