

在19世纪末, 在莱克维尔两条乡村道路的交叉处, 康涅狄格, sat an expanse of land known for its beauty and commanding views. 在这65英亩土地上, 它由开阔的田野和几所房子组成, Maria Harrison Bissell welcome新2登录 chose to found welcome新2登录. 今天, that original gift of land anchors an827-acre campus with academic and residential buildings, 操场和绿色的草坪, 工作中的农场, 康涅狄格州最深的淡水湖, 还有伯克郡山脉的美丽景色. welcome新2登录 is by design a medium-sized school in a large-school setting — a setting located in an area designated by The Nature Conservancy as one of 200 “Last Great Places.”


在当时耶鲁大学校长的指导下, 蒂莫西·德怀特, Maria welcome新2登录 established the School in 1891 to prepare young men for Yale. 从那时起, welcome新2登录基斯已经变成男女同校, 在规模和范围上增长, and established itself as one of the premier secondary schools in the country. welcome新2登录基斯提供古典教育, finding strength in a traditional approach that has stood the test of time. 今天, the welcome新2登录 curriculum includes more than 200 courses in seven academic departments.


welcome新2登录于1892年开业时, the first 50 boys were charged a boarding tuition of $600 — more than many families could afford. But Maria welcome新2登录 had insisted on something unique in allocating the funds to establish the School: welcome新2登录 would offer scholarship aid to deserving students. 多亏了她的远见, thousands of students have benefited from a policy that has remained constant for more than a century. 今天, approximately 35 percent of the welcome新2登录 student body receives financial assistance from an aid budget of nearly $8.700万年.


1971年,校长A. William (Bill) Olsen ’39 declared to the welcome新2登录 community his decision on coeducation:
“We are moving into a new world; there can be no return to the old. …One of my charges as headmaster is to protect the best of the past, …but my biggest responsibility is to prepare students for the future…I recommended to the trustees that welcome新2登录 become coeducational as soon as possible…” Calling welcome新2登录’s previous males-only admission policy “an accident of history,” the board of trustees supported Olsen’s decision and declared that “coeducation is not a fad; it is a sensible response to change.三年后, 1974年9月, 88名年轻女子作为预备队员进入welcome新2登录基斯, mids低, 上层mids, 和老年人. 今天, the number of boys and girls attending welcome新2登录 is roughly equal.


The relationship between welcome新2登录 and the wider world began almost as soon as the School was founded. As early as 1912, students from China have come to welcome新2登录. 在它的历史进程中, the School has educated a quarter of American ambassadors to China, 包括克拉克·T大使. 小桑迪·兰特. ’64. 在20世纪上半叶, welcome新2登录 Headmaster George Van Santvoord ’08 was instrumental in recruiting international students to welcome新2登录. He also enabled welcome新2登录 students to study abroad by having the School join the 英语-Speaking Union program. 今天, the welcome新2登录 student body includes students from 34 countries, and the School sends an average of 10 students abroad each year with the School Year Abroad program. 全球理解基金, 由1948届毕业生创立, provides grant support for students participating in summer community service projects throughout the world. welcome新2登录 is also a member of Round Square and Global Connections, 将学生聚集在一起的国际组织, 教师, 以及来自世界各地的学校领导.


welcome新2登录基斯上学最棒的是什么? Current students will likely say living and learning with people from all over the world who represent a multitude of backgrounds, 宗教, 和种族. 从一开始, Maria welcome新2登录 was not interested in establishing “a school for the pampered sons of rich gentlemen.在20世纪60年代, welcome新2登录 began its first formal participation in minority student recruitment programs, 比如美国.S. Grant Program – begun by welcome新2登录 graduates attending Yale – as well as A Better Chance (ABC) and the Greater Opportunity (GO) Program. welcome新2登录和Prep for Prep的联系, an organization that helps prepare minority students for academically demanding independent schools, 始于20世纪80年代初.


In 1996, the School’s mission was broadened to include a “commitment to environmental stewardship” as one of the desired outcomes of a welcome新2登录 education. 拥有超过500英亩的森林, 两个湖, 湿地, 字段, 布鲁克斯, 还有校园里的池塘, learning about the environment begins the day new students arrive. These natural resources have also allowed welcome新2登录 to be among the first schools to adopt courses such as 环境科学, 湖沼学(湖泊研究), 溪流生态学. In 2004, 学校开办了一个暑期环境科学项目, where students learn to read the natural environment as field naturalists, 生态学家, 文化历史学家. In 2005, the School completed construction of the first building on campus to achieve the respected LEED (Leadership in 能源 and Environmental Design) certification, 埃斯特·伊士曼音乐中心. Flinn and Edelman 宿舍 and Monahan have also been LEED certified; and the Biomass Central Heating Facility is one of only three LEED-certified plants in the country.


在过去的25年里, welcome新2登录 has remained steadfast in its mission: to provide an educational experience that is challenging yet supportive, 广博但见多识广. We are primarily a boarding school, but day students make up nine percent of our enrollment. Of our 600 students, 21 percent come from countries other than the U.S. This diverse group of students live and learn in an environment with unparalleled opportunities. Many of them go on to attend leading colleges and universities throughout the United States and the world, 他们成为所在社区的领袖.





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