
As a leader in sustainability among independent secondary schools, welcome新2登录 aims to incorporate environmental stewardship into every aspect of School life and model what we teach through our institutional practices — like serving our own farm-grown food in the dining hall, 选择可再生能源, and making a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2020. We try to relate complex environmental issues to students’ everyday lives, using the school’s natural landscape as a real-world laboratory in which students can study everything from limnology to the effects of climate change on native plant species. 学生 graduate from welcome新2登录 with the tools they need to take responsibility for our collective ecological future.



welcome新2登录 strives to instill in students a multi-faceted understanding of the environment — through the sciences, 艺术, and humanities — and the School’s natural surroundings shape how students learn. Environmental science classes can conduct field re搜索 and use their findings to support land conservation practices on campus. At 费尔菲尔德农场, art classes can practice 练习 绘画, 诗歌课可以找到灵感, environmental science classes can explore rare grassland bird habitats, and American history classes can reflect on the land’s connection to early colonial history. Through 费尔菲尔德农场 Ecosystems and Adventure Team (FFEAT), students can also gain hands-on experience at the farm — and learn about the complexities of sustainable agriculture.

What Does Sustainability Look Like at welcome新2登录?

welcome新2登录 has instituted a variety of environmental initiatives so that students discover firsthand the importance of respecting the earth. Our community learns how to be stewards of our beautiful planet through a combination of classroom education and tangible practice. What does this look like in our everyday life?


Sustainability is woven into our academic curriculum. Our students' rich understanding of their environmental responsibilities st艺术 in the classroom. Environmental science and sustainability are connected to every facet of learning — through the literature students read, 他们所从事的科学研究, 以及他们的实地考察. 学生 discover for themselves not just the fact that sustainability matters, 还有它为何如此重要.


We believe the best way to learn is through action. welcome新2登录 students learn to tend to the earth with care and expertise from a young age. 费尔菲尔德农场, 距离校园仅一英里, provides the perfect outdoor classroom for our community. This 287-acre farmland provides the perfect space for students to grow crops, 爱护动物, 体验户外课程, and harvest their own organically grown produce.


As an environmentally-conscious school in Connecticut, we are constantly looking for ways to take better care of the earth and teach our students how to do the same. Our 费尔菲尔德农场 provides the perfect avenue to do so. welcome新2登录 students engage firsthand with growing produce, which is used to source a large portion of the food we serve in the Dining Hall.

In addition to providing food for our own campus, we partner with family farms and local businesses to source ethically grown, 为我们的社区提供有机食品.


Our Lakeville, CT location provides us with the perfect scenic backdrop for students to explore. welcome新2登录 campus includes a golf course, 最先进的运动设施, 还有费尔菲尔德农场, all of which are connected by a trail that students can walk.

We are surrounded by diverse elements of the great outdoors — a 200-acre forest and the deepest natural lake in Connecticut. 学生 can discover the wonder of nature for themselves by hiking, 游泳, 骑自行车, 航行, or any other supervised outdoor activities.


学生 learn the principles of environmental stewardship firsthand through a number of summer programs hosted on or around our campus. These environmental education programs in Connecticut are a vital way to help students live out our school's philosophy. 我们的现场welcome新2登录基斯 暑期环境科学课程 combines technical knowledge with hands-on learning, as students learn to see the outdoors in a whole new light.

学生 can also discover what it means to go green when they participate in our annual Eco Day. This environmental science program in Connecticut is a chance to listen to environmental leaders and work in teams to make a positive difference in our community. 每年看起来都有点不同. Between planting trees and cleaning up discarded trash, students learn that every small action can have a tremendous impact on our environment.